Queensland mens shed association regional coordinator Frank Pears held a cluster meeting at Warwick on monday the11 march a successful and very informative meeting thanks to all who attended
getting ready for another new shed
A good time was had by all at our shed christmas lunch a big thank you must go out to the ladies who did most of the food preparation, also the men that helped, mustn’t forget Bob who did a great job cooking the meat
John Fogarty being awarded a certificate of recognition for outstanding service to the mens shed for many years, in the photo is the president Bob Platt, John Fogarty, and our patron Marco Gliori.
The Warwick Men’s Shed opened a brand new shed in late 2020.
Purpose-built for the Men’s Shed, it has a wonderful collection of equipment for a variety activities.
It also has a large meeting room/kitchen/computer room, where we gather at every meeting to share thoughts and issues. Occasionally we have speakers who discuss men’s health concerns, amongst other things.
And occasionally we have gatherings to which the community is invited.
We are an active shed, with a range of projects on the go. But we still take the time to enjoy the friendship of like-minded people.
We have close ties to the community, especially the local government.